In order for me to write carefully constructed and detailed letters, I must have at least one month advance notice of when you need to have a letter completed. Rush letters are not recommended and may not be possible at all.
If you would like me to write a letter for you, please stop by during my office hours or e-mail me to set up a specific appointment to discuss your needs. I will only write letters for students who have received at least a B- in all the classes taken from me.
Please note that letters will reflect my realistic assessment of a student’s performance in my classes. “A” students can expect me to describe this performance as “excellent” while “B” students can expect me to characterize the performance as “good.”
Please provide me with a short cover letter indicating what you are applying for and any aspects of your background that you feel I need to address in the letter. You should also include the mailing address, website, or link for the letter or any special instructions regarding its handling. You should also indicate the course and semester for any classes you took with me.
I will notify you by e-mail when I have completed your letter.